Fair Usage
What’s this all about?
The ‘shared server’ hosting environment is the hosting solution for our web hosting and reseller hosting plans. A server’s resources, such as RAM (memory) and CPU (processor), amongst other things, are shared amongst all accounts on the server. We ensure that the server has plenty of capacity to meet the day-to-day needs of the vast majority of web sites, ensuring also that the demands for resources are met even at peak times. Given that resources are shared amongst all users, this also makes it possible for web sites to use too many resources to the detriment of other customers hosted on the same server. This can happen for many reasons, but the most common causes are due to poor coding, compromised accounts or a very abnormal huge influx of visitors to the site. Allowing sites to utilise more than their fair share of resources could lead to a poor quality of service for the remaining clients on the server.
We have drafted this policy to outline what we consider to be excessive usage of server resources, and to also exclude certain types of content and eliminate bad practices which almost always cause resource over-utilisation. This policy stands in addition to our terms of service. The vast majority of sites won’t even come close to these limits, and those that do will almost certainly be adversely affecting the service other clients on the server are receiving.
How are these policies enforced?
We have developed a number of automated systems which enforce the bulk our resource usage policy. These systems trigger alerts when accounts hit a “soft” limit – these are mild violations of the resource usage policy that, whilst excessive, have not yet caused any significant reduction in server performance. Typically we will then notify you of the problem, and you’ll have a period of time to fix the problem – typically between 2 and 10 days depending on the severity. This might be by rewriting parts of your site to be coded more efficiently. If a site hits our “hard” limit, the server will automatically kill the process causing the problem to prevent the server being brought to a griding halt, and may also suspend the web site. This action will only be taken in extreme cases where the violation could have caused service failure or a severe degradation of service – where possibe we will work with you to resolve any issues without interrupting your service.
These policies are in place to protect 99.9% of our customers from the tiny fraction of sites that cause performance issues. We want you to enjoy the best possible hosting experience for your site – that is to say fast, and with the maximum possible uptime. The only way to do this fairly is to ensure that all users abide by the same set of principles, so no individuals can become a ‘resource hog’ to the detriment of others.
The Policies
Unsolicited Email / SPAM
Unsolicited email / SPAM carries not only a financial burden, but can also severly damage our reputation as a spam-free network. This damage can prevent legitimate email from being delivered via our network or servers. We therefore maintain a zero-tolerance anti-spamming policy. We prohibit the sending of SPAM or any unsolicited commercial email, being sent either over our network OR over any network if the email advertises or mentions in any way a site hosted on
our network. We do not permit email to be sent from ‘bought’ lists, you may only send email to lists that you yourself have collected. We are made aware of bought lists as they almost always contain spam trap email accounts, which are monitored by spam prevention groups.
In addition to the sending of bulk email, we prohibit account holders from cross-posting messages on a large number of newsgroups, websites or forums, and/or posting obscene or threatening messages whilst using or referring to an email address or website URL hosted on our network. If you violate this policy then your account will be subject to a thorough investigation, and may be terminated without notice. Any damages will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Content Restrictions
Adult Content
We do not permit pornography, including adult oriented pictures, videos, links to adult sites or sites containing content of a sexually explicit nature, including in written text, or which retail sex-related merchandising.
Backups, Storage Archives & FTP Storage Space
Hosting accounts are to be used for the purposes of hosting web sites – they are not to be used to back up content from remote computers, as a general purpose file storage system or as an FTP upload repository. We permit the storage of a single backup of your account to be stored within your space, however these must not be stored for more than 45 days. We do not permit the storing of audio music or videos, unless these music and video files are being used specifically on your web site.
Chat Software
We do not permit real time chat software to be hosted from within your hosting account. Third party chat solutions that integrate with your website but are remotely hosted are permitted.
Web Applications
All third party web applications that you install must be kept up-to-date. Failure to keep third party applications up-to-date leaves them open to vulnerabilities, which can lead to the server being exploited.
It is your responsibility to regularly check for updates to applications – we would suggest doing this once per month. Any applications which are being actively exploited will be automatically quarrantined and we will contact you to advise you of the situation. If you decide to take no action, quarantined files will be automatically deleted after 14 days.
The following are strictly prohibited:
- Banner rotation services & link exchanges.
- Bit torrent or other peer-to-peer applications, trackers and clients.
- Offering of free or paid image, file, document or data storage.
- Offering free hosting or email services.
- Online RPGs, hate sites, sites that promote hacking, SPAM, warez content or other illegal activities.
- Material that infringes any rights (including Intellectual Property Rights) of any third party.
- Operating a public download mirror.
- Running a gaming server.
- Running a proxy server or anonymizer, either publicly accessible or password protected.
- Web spiders and indexers.
- IRC Egg Drops & Related Programs.
- UltimateBBS, Ikonboard, YaBB, YabbSE.
- Shell, SSH, Telnet Scripts and all alternatiives.
- formmail.pl, formmail.php, formmail.cgi OR alternative names for the same script, except the secure version available for install from the Control Panel.
- Any script using a large flat file database.
Resource Usage Restrictions
Apache Connections
- No more than 40 simultaneous Apache connections are permitted from any one source.
- Accounts are restricted to 15 concurrent MySQL connections.
- Databases cannot exceed 2GB in size.
- Database queries cannot exceed 8,000 per hour.
- Database changes (insert/update/delete) should not exceed 2,000 queries per hour.
- Accounts should not exceed an average of 1 second of CPU time per query for MySQL queries performed in any given hour.
- Databases may not be accessed by externally hosted sites, except for the purposes of administering the database.
- Attachments larger than 25MB in size should not be sent by email.
- IMAP/POP Email Boxes must be no larger than 4GB each. Old mail can archived or deleted to remain below this limit.
- No more than 60 POP connections are permitted per hour.
- No more than 500 SMTP connections are permitted per hour.
- No more than 1200 emails may be sent per hour.
- Outbound emails should not be sent to more than 50 recipients at any one time.
- If you need to send mail to more than 50 recipients, mailing list software should be used. Any such software should be capable of throttling email sending to a maximum of 1 email every 5 seconds. Mailing software without this functionality is not permitted.
- Mailing lists can have a maximum of 2,000 recipients.
- Any mailing list over 1,000 recipients can only be sent between 3AM and 7AM UTC weekdays, or any time at the weekend.
- Any emails sent to a mailing list must contain an unsubscribe link to an automated email removal system. This system must not be behind password protection.
- SpamExperts Spam Filtering is available for up to 20 domains free of charge. Extra domains are chargeable.
Files & Folders
- Accounts may not exceed more than 150,000 inodes. Every file or folder in your hosting account uses up one inode.
- Accounts exceeding more 75,000 inodes may be removed from our backup system. Databases will continue to be backed up.
- A folder cannot contain more than 5,000 immediate child files or folders, excluding files within child folders.
Any processes attributed to or initiated by your user account, must not:
- Consume more than 256MB RAM.
- Consume more than 60 seconds of CPU time.
- Create core dumps.
- Execute a script or binary that forks in a way to create a fork bomb, or spawn subprocesses.
- Run in the background.
- Listen to a network port.
- Open more than 30 files.
- Open or access a file greater than 2GB in size.
- Run more than 40 simultaneous processes.
CPU Usage – Websites
The total usage of all websites running within an account may not exceed these limits:
- Perform more than 1,300 dynamic page executions (PHP/CGI) in one hour.
- Perform more than 13,000 dynamic page executions (PHP/CGI) in one day.
- Consume more than 1,000 seconds of CPU time in one hour (realtime).
- Consume more than 10,000 seconds of CPU time in one day (realtime).
Cron Jobs
- All cron jobs must be ‘niced’ to 15 or greater (add nice -n 15 to the start of the cron job command).
- No individual cron job within an account may exceed these limits:
- Execute more than once per 5 minute interval.
- Consume more than 30 seconds of CPU time per execution (realtime).
The total usage of all cron jobs running within an account may not exceed these limits:
- Perform more than 36 executions in one hour (864 per day).
- Consume more than 500 seconds of CPU time in one hour (realtime).
- Consume more than 5,000 seconds of CPU time in one day (realtime).
Memory Usage
An account may not:
- Consume more than 128MB RAM per second of CPU time consumed
Shell Access
- You are not permitted to log into any other server or network from our servers.
- You may not use the “find” command recursively on folders more than 5 levels deep.